I work with adults offering individual sessions or couple therapy.
When you come to my office first we need to discuss the problem you bring, and also your needs and expectations concerning psychotherapy. We will also try and determine the goal of our work and how we two can work together. After agreeing the details of our contract the therapy work can begin.
Both individual therapy and couple therapy sessions take 50 minutes.
In psychotherapy we have responsibilities. I am responsible for creating a safe ground, establishing communication and managing the process of our work. Your responsibility is taking the new skills and perspectives out of the therapy room and applying them in your everyday life.
In difficult moments of crisis there are resources in us that we can use. We have a potential to grow and regain our balance. As a Gestalt psychotherapist I build a relationship with you from the moment we meet – through dialog and understanding. Therapeutic relationship, that is the relation between the therapist and client, is the main healing factor which becomes the foundation of our work. Together we create a safe space for our psychotherapy work – physically it is created by the walls of the therapy room. I, as your therapist, am responsible for the safety in the psychological dimension; I accept you the way you are, respect the values you bring, your thoughts, emotions and also your painful recollections and experiences.
In the therapy room I meet a grown up person, with the history of their development recorded in their emotions and body, which – most often – you are not even aware of. Sometimes we will work deeper, touching what is not quite conscious yet. Then I am all the time present to support you. I utilize different methods, e.g.: experimenting, working with somatic symptoms or the content of your dream. We will choose these options if you decide to do so.
My work is to increase your awareness: Where do the difficulties come from? What are your needs? What makes fulfilling them impossible or difficult? We will discover and learn new ways of solving your problems and meeting your needs.
“During the therapy I felt well-supported. And it was fun!” Justin
We are created to build nourishing relationships the patterns of which we learn as children, from our caregivers. It happens that during his development a child encounters a difficulty which exceeds his capabilities but still he needs to manage it. If the caregiver does not give him support then the child himself learns how to cope. These ways that once were the best response to a given difficulty start to limit us when we progress to the next stages of development. They become habitual ways we react, bring no satisfaction and do not solve our present problems.
Gestalt psychotherapy increases the person’s awareness but it leaves him autonomous decisions about the changes he wants to introduce as well as the direction of these changes. Working with what is painful and difficult we do not forget about the things that work well, about the resources one can use to introduce and strengthen the change. And the changes themselves, the new ways of expression and behavior, are discovered and experimented with in the therapy room so that you can take them with you into your life.
In Gestalt approach the healing element is first of all the connection, this therapeutic relationship between the client and therapist. You will learn how to recognize and feel what is most difficult for you and change it, and I will accompany you on this way.
“Anna helped me to trust myself, to understand that there is nothing wrong with me and that everything which looks bad now will come to an end. The therapy opened my eyes to some deep feelings and memories almost forgotten which most probably influence my current life. During the therapy I received lots of understanding and support.” Emily
If you have problems in your relationships with others or you do not know how to build these relationships and sustain them in a satisfying way – Gestalt psychotherapy is for you. Also it is recommended for the people who experience difficulties with themselves: they do not understand themselves, their mixed emotions, contradictory desires or somatic symptoms. Not only the issue you bring is important but also your history and present life situation. You will have an opportunity to see how you function, and at your own pace, without violating your boundaries, you will try to change what does not serve you.
I do invite you – let’s meet and talk. Even if you are not sure that what you are bringing is suitable for therapy. After our meeting you will decide if the things we have discussed point to the direction you want to take. And if you want these changes.
“Therapy sessions with Anna helped me process and understand very hard feelings that had been arising in me for some time before the start of therapy. During our sessions I also learned and was shown tools that are helping me deal with difficult situations at work and within family circle. I am greatly appreciative of Anna´s work especially because she has helped me believe that my feelings matter.” Simon